Splinter Cell : Blacklist Digital Deluxe Edition - RELOADED
┊ Plot:
When the United States became the target and inexorably running out the allotted time, one person can save the millions of innocent lives. Rogue states pushed hard ultimatum - "Black list", and if their demands are not met, they are ready to unleash a war of terror. At a time when there is not a moment to lose, the state government is ready to resort to the only tested method - a call for help of the legendary operative Sam Fisher.
As commander of an elite unit of the newly formed "The fourth tier," the subordinate directly to the U.S. president, Sam will destroy the terrorists and stop them murderous plans. At your disposal will be an impressive arsenal of modern means of destruction, including controlled drone, with which Sam will be able to conduct reconnaissance, distract enemies and celebrate remote targets. All information about upcoming assignments come on board, "Paladin", where your team is based. React to world events in real time and destroy the enemies before it's too late!
The infinite war on terror
for the job Sam got the latest weapons and equipment, as well as the complete freedom of action. No matter where the events unfold, whether it be the largest U.S. metropolitan areas or remote places of the world, Sam will stop at nothing to find the terrorists before they leave the country allotted time.
Splinter Cell Blacklist does not depart from the spirit of the series and at the same time is not afraid to explore new ways to present the gameplay. Players can define the style of the game and will be rewarded for their choices.
Destroy "engineer" with the help of new gadgets, such as an improved camera and a flexible three-rotor drone. Among the guns Sam fans will also find their favorite shocker and a curved, terrifying sword for close combat. Fans will be able to use stealth operations Sam opportunities in neutralizing opponents, while "Murder on the move" will allow players to destroy a group of enemies in one motion with surgical precision.
Given the task of the President, Sam started to create a new group - the team that is ready to play by his rules. Anna Grimsdottir - operational leader, a CIA agent Isaac Briggs is responsible for fire support, completes the list of hacker Charlie Cole. With its limitless resources and the latest technologies, including its own refitted aircraft invisible "Paladin" detachment "fourth tier" is ready to do the job of any complexity.
interface for Strategic Operations on board the "Paladin" tracks the events taking place around the world, in real time, so that Sam and his team will be able to learn about the events immediately after they occurred. This will allow access to the details of the operation for another approach to the goal. "Paladin" is also a center for access to all game content, including cooperative and competitive modes. With ISO players can use the global economy game that allows you to fully modify and improve Sam, his suit, goggles, weapon, "Paladin" and much more.
In the edition of Splinter Cell Blacklist Deluxe has everything you need for game fans could try the image of Sam Fisher and stop the attacks of the "Black List". In addition to the game Splinter Cell Blacklist, in this edition includes unlockable content: maps "Dead Bank" and "billionaire's yacht", additional equipment, costumes and weapons! Options:
Unlock equipment:
PART01 | PART02 | PART03 | PART04 | PART05 | PART06
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